About Us

The Bering Sea Fisheries Research Foundation (BSFRF) is a non-profit research foundation with a goal to assist in determining and developing the best scientific approach for gathering information for management of the Bering Sea crab fisheries. Since 2005, The BSFRF has participated and led cooperative research with industry, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and the National Marine Fisheries Service, to improve the science used in Bering Sea crab fisheries management.  The board of directors of the BSFRF includes representatives from Bering Sea seafood processors and harvesters, CDQ groups, and the City of Unalaska. Our mission is to work in a productive manner with fellow stakeholders, federal and state agency partners, independent researchers, and the public in ongoing collaborative scientific research.


NameBoard PositionCompany
Doug WellsPresidentKanaga Island
Frank KeltyVice PresidentCity of Unalaska
Edward PoulsenVice PresidentF/V Patricia Lee
Lenny HerzogSecretaryF/V Tempo Sea
Garry LonconTreasurerKP & GL
Shannon CarrolTrident Seafoods
Mark CastoF/V Pinnacle
Wes JonesNSEDC
Owen KvingeCoastal Villages; F/V North Sea
Louie LowenbergF/V Arctic Lady
Heather McCartyCBSFA
Gary PainterF/V Trailblazer and Partners
Sinclair WiltWestward Seafoods
Scott GoodmanExecutive DirectorNatural Resource Consultants

The board of directors of the BSFRF includes representatives from Bering Sea seafood processors and harvesters, CDQ groups, and the City of Unalaska. Our mission is to work in a productive manner with fellow stakeholders, federal and state agency partners, independent researchers, and the public in ongoing collaborative scientific research.

Science Advisors